The American Cancer Society believe Breast Self-Exams useful in early detection. Information and guidelines for BSE Breast Self-Exams, or Wholistic Breast care. The following information contains excerpts from and is related the guidelines set by the ACS.
(Click the title of this post for a direct link to their site)
2) "A woman can notice changes by being aware of how her breasts normally look and feel and by feeling her breasts for changes (breast awareness)..... " This is true of course only if you perform BSE on a regular basis. Being a woman, I know how easy it is to get side tracked with life, not to mention love-ones whom we cater to, and when it comes time for ourselves, we lie in bed thinking of the things we would like to do or need to do for ourselves, tomorrow--and sometimes all-to-often -- tomorrow never comes. That should never be the case for we are the ones upon whom all others relay. We should surely be able to be here for ourselves. Lets make it a Fact!!! A way of Being!!! Being Selfish will keep you healthy!!!
3) "If you choose to do BSE" Please click on the link in this Blog Post title for .... "a step-by-step approach for the exam. Women who examine their breasts should have their technique reviewed during their periodic health exams by their health care professional." I am a health care profession, a Wholistic Practioner & LMMT (NYS Licensed Massage Therapist).
As a woman having had breast issues of my own & and stories which will be saved for another time or Never, I am sensitive the this important topic and to the needs of other women.
4) "Women with breast implants can do BSE. It may be helpful to have the surgeon help identify the edges of the implant so that you know what you are feeling. There is some thought that the implants push out the breast tissue and may actually make it easier to examine....." My earlier experience with Breast massage was while still in school and one woman did not actually have BC but had abnormal BRCA1, her mother passed from Cancer and thus she elected for a Bi-lateral Mastectomy and reconstruction.
5) "It is acceptable for women to choose not to do BSE or to do BSE once in a while" undoubtably, it is better to do them or to elect to make it part of your Wholistic Care and have it done on a regular basis. "Women who choose not to do BSE should still be aware of the normal look and feel of their breasts and report any changes to their doctor right away." This is where the Breast-Mapping comes in..... I will be using either one or two aides in performing your breast image. One is an aid to palpation, making the tissue easier to navigate. Then noting what is NORMAL (it helps to now what is normal to be later able to notice changes) that is why the regularity of your Breast-Mapping Massage should be an important part in maintaining wellness. PREVENTION & early detection are the keys.
Parts of my story are here
I can be reached at 718-717-2111 for telephone consultation and more information regarding this modality offered at both of my queens locations, & possibly a location on Long Island in the near future.
Wishing you a Healthy Body, Open Mind, & Free Spirit
Marlene Rodriguez-Castelluccio,
LMMT & Founder of Journey Into Wellness
For Illustrated directions for Breast Self-Exam (BSE) - please follow the direct link to The ACS website by clicking on this Blog Posts' Title
(Click the title of this post for a direct link to their site)
1) "Beginning in their 20s, women should be told about the benefits and limitations of breast self-exam (BSE). Women should know how their breasts normally look and feel and report any new breast changes to a health professional as soon as they are found.......... " This is a time when most young women are occupied with plans for the future, careers, studies, traveling and living life to the fullest - and because they are young the thoughts of Illness and such do not hold attention to them for long. Conversly, this is also the time when young women reach an age to partake in life the way they choose--their lifestyle may include drinking alcohol, smoking, & taking Birth Control, fast-food diets, high-fat foods, Sodas and a plethora of many other chemicals and emotions which build in the body - sometimes taking aound 10 years to manifest into some form of unhealthy breast-tissue. Yet because they are young and feeling invincable the fail to see the importance of this important form of self-care.
2) "A woman can notice changes by being aware of how her breasts normally look and feel and by feeling her breasts for changes (breast awareness)..... " This is true of course only if you perform BSE on a regular basis. Being a woman, I know how easy it is to get side tracked with life, not to mention love-ones whom we cater to, and when it comes time for ourselves, we lie in bed thinking of the things we would like to do or need to do for ourselves, tomorrow--and sometimes all-to-often -- tomorrow never comes. That should never be the case for we are the ones upon whom all others relay. We should surely be able to be here for ourselves. Lets make it a Fact!!! A way of Being!!! Being Selfish will keep you healthy!!!
3) "If you choose to do BSE" Please click on the link in this Blog Post title for .... "a step-by-step approach for the exam. Women who examine their breasts should have their technique reviewed during their periodic health exams by their health care professional." I am a health care profession, a Wholistic Practioner & LMMT (NYS Licensed Massage Therapist).
As a woman having had breast issues of my own & and stories which will be saved for another time or Never, I am sensitive the this important topic and to the needs of other women.
4) "Women with breast implants can do BSE. It may be helpful to have the surgeon help identify the edges of the implant so that you know what you are feeling. There is some thought that the implants push out the breast tissue and may actually make it easier to examine....." My earlier experience with Breast massage was while still in school and one woman did not actually have BC but had abnormal BRCA1, her mother passed from Cancer and thus she elected for a Bi-lateral Mastectomy and reconstruction.
5) "It is acceptable for women to choose not to do BSE or to do BSE once in a while" undoubtably, it is better to do them or to elect to make it part of your Wholistic Care and have it done on a regular basis. "Women who choose not to do BSE should still be aware of the normal look and feel of their breasts and report any changes to their doctor right away." This is where the Breast-Mapping comes in..... I will be using either one or two aides in performing your breast image. One is an aid to palpation, making the tissue easier to navigate. Then noting what is NORMAL (it helps to now what is normal to be later able to notice changes) that is why the regularity of your Breast-Mapping Massage should be an important part in maintaining wellness. PREVENTION & early detection are the keys.
Parts of my story are here
I can be reached at 718-717-2111 for telephone consultation and more information regarding this modality offered at both of my queens locations, & possibly a location on Long Island in the near future.
Wishing you a Healthy Body, Open Mind, & Free Spirit
Marlene Rodriguez-Castelluccio,
LMMT & Founder of Journey Into Wellness
For Illustrated directions for Breast Self-Exam (BSE) - please follow the direct link to The ACS website by clicking on this Blog Posts' Title
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