Saturday, February 13, 2010

Detoxing with Bentonite Clay

The benefits of Bentonite Clay:

Due to our exposure and ingestion of an innumerable amount of unknown chemicals, our bodies must be cleansed periodically to restore natural balance of our internal cellular processes, which are greatly diminished by the build up and synergistic effects of these substances.

Tinctures, Poultices, and internal bathes (douches and enemas) are various methods of cleansing which can be facilitated using Bentonite Clay.

Acne, Sores, lesions, infections, eruptions, necrosis, thrush, cystic growths of the uterus and ovaries, yeast infections, insect bites, puncture wounds, animal bites, ulcers, Bed sores....... are some of the many dis-ease symptoms which can be benefited by use of Bentonite Clay.
Openings in the skin allowing pathogens to enter the body and internal organs.
The regenerative properties of Bentonite Clay are exponential.

Recently a patient who was suffering with 'thrush' (candidiasis of the oral cavity; seen mostly in infants or debilitated adult) which was induced by certain medications, followed my advice to perform extended mouth washing, swooshing, & gargling with tincture and poultice of Bentonite Clay. Prior to doing this the patient was loosing sleep due to burn sensation in the mouth, had difficulty eating and swallowing, and had a diminished sense of taste. This has been restored in a matter of 2-3 days. The ability to eat and taste certain foods has returned for this patient, this is important for anyone, as eating is crucial to maintaining or regaining weight - especially during times of convalescence.

A female family member complained of a boil in her groin/peritoneal region. Within a few hours of her ingesting the clay, she was feeling pressure in the area. The next morning she was surprised that this lesion, which she claimed to have for over 1-year was 75% gone. She apply a poultice the next evening. I guess it is gone because I have heard nothing else since. My response was " I've been telling you about the clay for three years now! Better late than never.

Anyone interested in learning more about using this clay can contact me for more information.

BE Well!
Marlene Rodriguez, LMT
Imani Magnolia, LMT



Anonymous said...

What was your protocol and how did you use bentonite as a gargle?

Imani Trustee-091913, sui juris. said...

Hi! I am glad you found something of interest and hopefully that you can use to improve your health or the health of others as well. Are you a healthcare provider? I am as I am sure you know by now.

Basically all you need is some Bentonite Clay of course, then just make a tincture. Stir about a half a teaspoon of #350 mesh grade clay into an 8oz glass of water and wait about 1 hr. for it to settle to the bottom. You do not drink the sediment, but rather gargle with the tincture, holding it in the mouth for as long as possible. This helps to detoxify the mucous membranes and the tongue as well. My patient saw immediate results in the first treatment. she states that it felt stingy at first, then she felt erruptions forming in her mouth which calmed down within the gargling process. She was then able to eat and taste foods she was unablke to eat and taste before. She had lost weight due to the trush which was a side affect of several medications she has been taking for her condition. now after a week she only has a small lesion remaining on the tip of her toungue which should be relsolved shortly. We ran out of the original bentonite clay after 4 days or so - so she has resumed treatment yesterday.
I have also used it on this same patient to induce natural debridement of necrotic tissue caused as a result of Vasculitis. The results are amazing.

I have never had thrush - but have used the Bentonite for resolving septic cysts on my ovaries (I soaked Wheatgrass pulp in the tincture and packed my vagina) mind you that I did use this in conjunction with other manual therapies - Amma Oriental bodywork. yeast infections, blackheads, food poisoning- all personal issues. I am preparing the ingest the clay, I am first going to drink the tincture for about a week, to allow my body to adjust. I will then stir it and drink about eight ounces. Attached is a photo I just took of what the tincture should look like. I will keep you posted if you like.

Marlene Rodriguez-Castelluccio, LMT &Founder
Journey Into Wellness Integrated Healing and Therapeutic, Herbal, & Aromatherapy Products