Saturday, June 27, 2009

After Surgery

If you have undergone surgery for any reason, then Post-surgical Massage can benefit you in many ways. It should also be considered as a vital part of the healing process.

  • Brings balance back to the Body, Mind, Spirit connection- as trauma either accidental or elective (surgery is trauma to the entire life system). Allows to body to be gently coaxed back into a state of comfort as you are no longer in danger.
  • Restores circulation of blood, draws necrotic (dead) tissue waste out of the cells in and surrounding the surgical site, and flushes them into the lymphatic system to be eliminated.
  • thus helps to cleanse residual medications from the system as well.
  • Helps to de-sensitize the area directly affected by the surgery, and prevents compensation which leads to secondary problems.
  • Reduces adhesions (scarring), and promotes functional scar tissue that is pliable and moveable. function scarring is less likely to tear or adhese to other surrounding body structures.
Massage therapy - Is paramount in conjunction to or in absence of Physical Therapy. It helps to regain and in some cases surpass orginal ROM (Range of Motion). Limited ROM is usually one of the biggest setbacks to surgery. This is greatly the affect of adhesions. There is always a risk that undergoing surgery will not produce the desired affect, due to various factors--some unknown. By incorporating medical post-surgical massage into the healing process can have tremendous benefit and minimize that risk.

If you have had surgery and your PT has run out through the insurance company, call me! With a few breif sessions you can feel much better, and I will teach you self-care techniques to keep your life on track.

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